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How to convert a repeating decimal into a ratio of two integers


We know that 23\frac{2}{3} is 0.6666ˉ0.666\bar{6}, but given the number 0.6666ˉ0.666\bar{6} how could we know its ratio of two integers value is 23\frac{2}{3}?

Let x=0.6666ˉx = 0.666\bar{6}

Multiply xx by the appropriate powers of 1010, then subtract to eliminate the repeating part.

10x=6.6666ˉx=0.6666ˉ9x=6x=69x=23\begin{aligned} 10x &= 6.666\bar{6} \\ x &= 0.666\bar{6} \\ 9x &= 6 \\ x &= \frac{6}{9} \\ x &= \frac{2}{3} \end{aligned}